Most business owners want to engage in social media but find it to be a full time job.  Hiring a full time employee is out of reach for a small operation but believe it or not, social media is more important than most of you realize.  More consumers are now relying on social media comments, reviews and suggestions before making any kind of purchase today. The secret sauce to proper utilize social media is to provide good content (something of value) that leads to brand recognition verses just pounding people over the head to buy your product or service.

Speaking of brands, one of the simplest, most important factors in building a brand is recognition.  People are lazy and drowning in choices.  They hate having to think or decide these days.  Even if you want to buy something as simple as paper towels in a supermarket you have a whole wall of alternatives to consider.

We provide engaging content for you to post on your profiles to increase your online presence and get more social media engagement.  We also follow your profiles to “share, re-post and like” your best content randomly to increase your brand awareness and turbo-charge your activity utilizing our own established profiles.

Social Media is not about just trying to sell something, it is about building an online relationship that starts with reaching out with something of value, entertaining or informative.   If you want to build a social media following, you better pay close attention to what you are posting on your profiles.

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